Best offer for Hario Drip Pot 480Ml is now hitting the market. This best item is now on sale, you can purchase it this moment for just
Item Description
Drip pot woodneck is the professional method of brewing coffee. The original rich taste of the coffee beans is preserved when using the flannel filter. The flannel filter can be used multiple times. Stylish look and a safe way of handling the pot through the woodneck feature.
Strong Feat
- Rich professional coffee taste
- Hario heat treated glass
- Stylish pot woodneck
- 2-Cup size
- Professional Experience
Customer Opinions
Hot Pants
I love this Hario Drip Pot. Hand poured coffee is the best but does require some care to do it right. I love the cloth filter since it eliminates the need to buy paper filters, however the cloth requires some extra care. It would be helpful if there were better instructions that came with the pot. I did some research on the web and found that regularly boiling the filter and storing it in the fridge in a plastic zip lock bag between uses will keep it fresh and ready to use. The filter should not be dried between uses.
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I have been using the this coffee maker for couple weeks now, this is the best I have tried. First of all the cloth filter has much smaller holes than the paper filters thus lets your coffee grinds brew while still in the filter instead of just running down quickly therefore you will get a darker, rich and deeper flavored coffee. I noticed the everything is printed in Japanese when you clean the glass pot you should only use a mild dish washing liquid and a soft sponge, you should never use a cleanser, nylon brush, steel wool like, (SOS) or the other side of a sponge where it is like brillo pad. I use a organic dish washing liquid and a non-abrasive soft sponge. It is best to grind your own beans and use good quality coffee like such as Kona, Blue Mountain or even Ka'u. Do not let the cloth dry out after use because the cloth will pickup an odor that will give your coffee a bad smell next time you use it again. I use filtered water and refrigerated in a covered container. Even though there is so much you have to do to just make a cup of coffee with this pot it will become like a hobby.
Shelby Kibler
"the sock pot", as i call it, is an awesome way to brew 2 cups of amazing coffee. this drip method makes coffee that beats, in my opinion, the Chemex and the french press. i usually use 22 grams of freshly ground coffee for each cup i am brewing, and i fill mine all the way to where the wooden handle begins to get 2 mugs of coffee. the sock should be washed out with hot water when you're done and stored in a bag in the fridge, or i read that you can freeze it. i guess the thing is to not let the flannel dry out. anyway, it works great! better design than the one from yama. my advice is make sure you're buying great beans. this type of brewing isn't really worth the fuss if you're just using average beans. but when you buy a superb bean, there is really no way to make a better cup of coffee, which is a pleasure i get to wake up to every morning! cheers!
Key: Hario Drip Pot